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Using the OpenEMR APIs

The OpenEMR project supports the use of a Standard API and an FHIR API.

To use the OpenEMR APIs, you will need to have access to an OpenEMR installation that has the APIs enabled. Once you have access to an OpenEMR installation with an API enabled, you can use the API to retrieve and manipulate data within the OpenEMR system.

General steps to use the OpenEMR APIs

  1. Make sure that the API is enabled on the OpenEMR installation that you are using. You can check this by going to the Administration > Globals > Connectors page in the OpenEMR web interface.
  2. Obtain an API token. This can be done by creating a new token in the Connectors page or by asking an administrator to create one for you.
  3. Make API calls to the OpenEMR server. You can use any programming language that supports HTTP to make API calls.
  4. Use the API token for authentication.
  5. Use the API to retrieve and manipulate data within the OpenEMR system. The API is RESTful, so you can use standard HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) to interact with the API.
  6. You can find the API documentation on the official website of OpenEMR and also you can find some examples of API calls in the documentation and use them as a reference.

Make sure to also check the OpenEMR API documentation and consider the security best practices when using the API.

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